Help in creating bots for a web Browser game [closed]

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Hello, I need help to create a script that makes it automatic click on a button when entering a certain page of the game I play.

Explaining better: the game has a "PVP", that when I click to enter the page of the" PVP " appears the name of the players who are inside the fighting room, but I need to be quick to attack them, I have to click to select the name of the player and then click on the attack button, only I downloaded tampermonkey and wanted to run on it a script that automatically selects the name of the players and then then clicks on attack..A bot on the case! As I have no experience to create this script I would like you to help me, so I took the codes of the 2 buttons.

The button that selects the player (I need it to select automatic ):

<select tabindex="-1" class="select-large"><option value="-">[Escolha...]</option> <option value="[object Object]"> NOMEDOJOGADOR </option></select>

The attack button (I need that right after selecting automatic, the script click attack alone ):

<button tabindex="-1" class="btn btn-inverse btn-large"> Atacar </button>
Author: B0TB0T, 2019-03-08