Help me describe an algorithm written in C++, in the great and mighty

enter a description of the image hereI searched the web in search of an algorithm for checking a boolean function for monotony, unfortunately, I found it only in C++, but I don't know it myself. I would be very grateful if you describe the teapot in an accessible language.

Author: nONo, 2016-10-25

1 answers

If you remove the optimization, you will get the following pseudocode

если длина vec <2 то немонотонна
для i от 0 до длины вектора-1
    для j от i до длины вектора
        если vec[i]>vec[j] то немонотонна

On a, the optimization compares the elements of the vector not in solid pieces, but in chunks from different places and, in principle, should work faster

Author: Evgeny Shmidt, 2016-10-26 06:28:30