Help to perform start date and end date filter in javascript

I am trying to perform a filter between the start and end date chosen by the user. I have some objects that look like:

let objetos = [
   {nome: 'teste01', data: '03/09/2019'}
   {nome: 'teste02', data: '03/10/2019'}
   {nome: 'teste03', data: '03/11/2019'}
   {nome: 'teste04', data: '03/12/2019'}
   {nome: 'teste05', data: '03/01/2020'}

What I expect is to return by the objects containing the following e.g. the objects named teste01 and teste02 that are within the given date range:

let dataInicial: string = '01/09/2019';
let dataFinal: string = '31/10/2019';
let objetosFiltrados = objetos.filter(result => {
   return >= dataInicial && <= dataFinal;

But when I do this he brings me all the records, what is the correct way to do this please?

Author: Diego Estacho, 2019-09-03

1 answers

Can use this code that works:

let objetos = [
   {nome: 'teste01', data: '03/09/2019'},
   {nome: 'teste02', data: '03/10/2019'},
   {nome: 'teste03', data: '03/11/2019'},
   {nome: 'teste04', data: '03/12/2019'},
   {nome: 'teste05', data: '03/01/2020'}

function converteData(DataDDMMYY) {
    const dataSplit = DataDDMMYY.split("/");
    const novaData = new Date(parseInt(dataSplit[2], 10),
                  parseInt(dataSplit[1], 10) - 1,
                  parseInt(dataSplit[0], 10));
    return novaData;

let dataInicial = converteData('01/09/2019');
let dataFinal = converteData('31/10/2019');
let objetosFiltrados = objetos.filter(result => {
   return converteData( >= dataInicial && converteData( <= dataFinal;
Author: Leonardo Getulio, 2019-09-03 17:30:47