Help to solve two Javascript questions [closed]

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Hello, I am not able to solve these two questions, Could you help me.

function dobroDoNumero (){
  var dobroA = 4+4;
  var dobroB = 7+7;
  var dobroC = 8+-8;
  var resultado = dobroA+ ', ' +dobroB+ ', ' +dobroC
  return resultado
function metade(){
  var num1 = 4/2;
  var num2 = 60/2;
  var num3 = 30/2;
  var resultado = num1+ ', ' +num2+ ', ' +num3;
  return resultado

Thank you :)

Author: Lilla Oliveira, 2019-07-28

1 answers


In the first code has an error that is showing in the console: 8,14,0.

The error is on the Fourth Line: var dobroC = 8+-8;


function dobroDoNumero(){
  var dobroA = 4*2;
  var dobroB = 7*2;
  var dobroC = 8*2;
  var resultado = dobroA+ ', ' +dobroB+ ', ' +dobroC;
  return resultado;
// 8, 14, 16

In the second code, the error is in the console.log(resultado) call after the return resultado; call.


function metade(){
  var num1 = 4/2;
  var num2 = 60/2;
  var num3 = 30/2;
  var resultado = num1+ ', ' +num2+ ', ' +num3;
// 2, 30, 15
  return resultado;

I hope I helped.

Author: Maury Developer, 2019-07-28 16:57:23