In what order should I read java books? [duplicate]

This question is already answered here: Java books and learning resources (1 answer) Closed 5 years ago.

In what order should the following java books be read by a beginner in programming?

  1. Complete Java Reference. Java SE™ 6 Edition (7th Edition)
  2. Horstman, Cornell. Java 2-two-volume book
  3. Bruce Eckel-The Java Philosophy.
  4. Java 2 Nowton, Schildt
  5. Joshua Bloch-Java. Effective programming

I read on the Internet that O'Relly books are very good. I found the following books by this publisher on java: David Flanagan-Java. Guide. 4th edition and David Flanagan-Java in examples. Guide. What can you say about these two books and whether it is worth starting to learn java from them?

Author: Grundy, 2011-07-27

7 answers

The classics are in the correct order 2 - > 3 - >6. Horstman will show you Java, Eckel and Bloch will teach you how to write Java correctly. The reference book may not be useful, because there is JavaDoc (although I had a similar one in C++ and I liked to use it).

Author: Nofate, 2011-07-27 17:36:12

Only Flea read the 2nd edition and always in the original. I would advise you to start it last, when you already have a little experience in Java. Then it will be easier to understand the things that are described there. After all, this book is not for beginners at all.

Author: test81278, 2011-07-28 06:47:33

My opinion is this: 4 we do not read, because the old edition. Read first 1. Then you can 3, then 5 and 2 when you know the language well, because it is sharpened(the second volume) on the description of classes, libraries

Author: DroidAlex, 2011-07-27 17:58:00

The 5th book is the best of all the above. But only if you have an initial experience of programming in Java. The initial experience should be obtained practically, using, mainly, JavaDoc and Horstman.

Author: Selden, 2012-03-07 13:04:30

Still, I recommend learning Java from Oracle's Java Tutorials.

And if from books-then start with " Horstman, Cornell. Java 2". And it is better to combine them. Docks are a must-read!)

Author: Анна Сущенко, 2015-07-30 21:40:42

If programming is in C++ (although even if it is not), then it is better to start with Horstman, and then Eckel and Bloch.

Author: G71, 2011-07-28 01:44:42

About O'Relly. If you are still quite a beginner, then I advise you to read the book "Learning Java" by authors Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates.

Author: kostyabakay, 2015-07-30 21:46:31