How can I send a link in discord on behalf of a bot, but without an attachment?

When the bot sends a link to a text channel. Discord automatically creates an attachment from the site, which, with a large number of links, takes up a lot of space. How can I send a link without this attachment?enter a description of the image here

How do I make sure that only the link remains in the message?


async def random_url(ctx, arg):
    author =

    if (arg == '1'):
        await ctx.send(f'{author.mention}, создаю ссылку...')
        url = URL_Generator()
        await author.send(url)
Author: denisnumb, 2020-10-07

1 answers

After 1.5 months, the solution was found :)

You just need to enclose the link in <> when sending it, that is, like this:

await author.send(f'<{url}>')
Author: denisnumb, 2020-11-26 11:55:08