How do I change the text selection color in Pycharm?

For example, when the Monokai theme is installed, it is very difficult to see the selected text with the mouse.

Author: Anton Kirienko, 2015-04-04

2 answers

You need to configure the Selection background property in the settings:

  1. Open the settings window (Ctrl+Alt+S or File → Settings or Double Shift)
  2. Go to the menu item Editor → Colors & Fonts → General and find the list item Selection background or use the search bar:

enter a description of the image here

Author: awesoon, 2015-04-04 15:06:50

In Settings, select Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> General from the tree. Changing the colors of what you need

Author: ArchDemon, 2015-04-04 15:05:38