How do I check the case of words with non-Russian (non-Latin) characters?

There is a large amount of text in a Word document containing characters that are not present in the Russian language.
What function (methods) can be used to check the case of words in Delphi?
I.e. how to separate all uppercase words running in a row as a single whole?
It doesn't matter how: directly from Word or via RichEdit. I started it myself and couldn't finish it. I mean, I couldn't implement the most necessary function.
Drawing with the above symbols I attach it.

Characters that are not present in the Russian layout

Author: Дух сообщества, 2015-08-04

1 answers

if SysUtils.AnsiSameStr(SysUtils.AnsiLowerCase(WordFromText), WordFromText) then
  ... // WordFromText содержит только маленькие буквы
  ... // WordFromText содержит большие буквы
Author: kot-da-vinci, 2015-08-05 16:46:27