How do I completely remove a package from Linux?

There was a problem with visual studio code, after some time working with it, linux just hangs, so I want to completely reinstall it, but the usual apt-get remove code and apt-get --purge remove code do not help, everything I did with it remains. Open files, extensions, and configurations. So here's how to remove a package completely from linux (And believe me VS CODE is not the only case)

Author: midnightelf18, 2018-12-26

2 answers

Install Synaptic on your Linux with the command sudo apt install synaptic, launch it from the application menu or with the command sudo synaptic, and then go to the tab Installed, then find the vs code package and click on it PCM, in the dialog box there are options: Mark to delete and Mark for complete deletion. After clicking mark for complete deletion, a window will pop up where the packages that will be deleted will appear instead of with vs code, click Apply in the pop-up window and Apply in the main window

Author: midnightelf18, 2018-12-26 12:36:53
sudo apt purge code
rm -r ~/.config/Code
Author: Beast Winterwolf, 2018-12-26 14:27:49