How do I create a test in PHP?

There is a test in php.
I do this: by default, the php handler has two variables - $ot and $not-correct and incorrect answers, initially I equated them to 0, for the correct answer I raise $ok by 1, for the wrong one-I raise $not by one.
code example:

   $ot = 0;
   $not = 0;
      if ($_POST[q1] == a){$ot++;} else {$not++;}
      if ($_POST[q2] == a){$ot++;} else {$not++;}

In questions with radio buttons, there are no problems, only one option. But in questions with checkbox, I can't check the correctness of the selected answers.
Tell me how to implement this in the framework my example.

Here is the html code

    <p>1. ВОПРОС 1...</p>
    <input name="q1[]" type="checkbox" value="a"> 1</label><br>
    <input name="q1[]" type="checkbox" value="b"> 2</label><br>
    <input name="q1[]" type="checkbox" value="c"> 3</label><br>

And here is a part of my php code

   $ot = 0;
   $not = 0;

  $q1 = POST_['q1'];
  foreach($q1 as $value) {

Here's what to put instead ... I can't understand. the correct answer is 1 and 3 checkboxes, for example.

Author: ЮрийСПб, 2018-02-26

1 answers

Basic outline of the solution. Can be improved.

$successCount = 0;
$errorsCount = 0;

$validAnswers = [
   'q1' => [1, 3],
   'q2' => ['London'],

foreach($_POST as $questionKey => $userAnswer) {
    //  проверяем, что такой вопрос действительно есть в списке 
    if (!empty($validAnswers[$questionKey])) {
        //  если не чекбоксы, а "радиобаттон", т.е. только 1 правильный вариант - всё-равно приводим к массиву
        $userAnswer = !is_array($userAnswer) ? [$userAnswer] : $userAnswer;

        $successCount += array_intersect($userAnswer, $rightAnswers);
        $errorsCount += array_diff($userAnswer, $rightAnswers)
Author: Lark_z, 2018-02-26 13:55:04