How do I create an image from its text representation?

If you add an image somewhere in the Lazarus IDE and save the project, it will be saved as text in the project's .lfm file. Here is an example:


I need to create an image file in .png, based on such data. To begin with, I was trying to extract the pixel colors to create images pixel-by-pixel. I was able to find the color codes in this text, even though they were reversed. But even if I can extract all the color codes correctly, I don't know how save them to a file. For the solution, I use Python 3.4. I think that regular expressions will help in the solution. The image above has the size of 3x3 pixels, where each pixel has its own color, and contains the following colors (hex):

4800FF, ED1C24, FFFFFF,
3F48CC, 000000, 00FFFF,
00FF21, FF006E, FFD800
Author: AndroID, 2020-09-10