How do I decode a base64 string?

Here is the code:

echo base64_decode($str);

It seems everything is correct, but there is nothing at the output((

How is it treated?

Author: Sergiks, 2014-03-11

1 answers

The answer doesn't fit in the comment.

There is a lot of garbage in the line.

avp@avp-ubu1:~/hashcode$ base64 -di t

    OPEL Ascona, 1.6л карб., цв. серый, люк, титановые диски R-14, магнитола, сигн., нов. аккумулятор, биксенон, 25000грн., торг, вд-�/


    base64: invalid input

Here's what happened in UTF-8.

Author: avp, 2014-03-11 21:03:38