How do I disable the PHP disable functions directive in php.ini?

The official website says that it can only be disabled in the configuration file itself php.ini. I have Ubuntu with Apache2 and PHP as a module for Apache. There are these php.ini as many as 3 files. I disabled this directive in all of them, and after restarting the server, it still works. How is this even possible? I erased everything there in php.ini. Then I look at the info through phpinfo(); and there is a whole list of these functions. I don't know where he gets them from. Maybe this directive is needed somewhere else disable it?

I did everything under root. All changes have been saved.

Author: aleksandr barakin, 2013-07-03

1 answers

Did you do it? sudo gedit /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini should help!

The bottom line is that if you edit php. ini not under root, the changes may not be saved due to a lack of rights!

Author: Palmervan, 2013-07-03 11:22:59