How do I do digit recognition?

Hello! It just so happens that I'm a novice android developer and I'm doing a small project-an application for a smartphone that requires the function of recognizing numbers about the same as in the photo. How can I implement it, which libraries to use, what steps to do it?enter a description of the image here

Author: Mykhailo Khadai, 2018-03-12

1 answers

Github has a whole zoo of such developments. Here is the link with the search.

Here is one of the simplest solutions and separately, its code is.

But I think you may need a more complex solution if you are going to determine the data from the counters.

Also useful are articles that are exactly related to your topic, start with this:

Shooting the meter readings on the phone with subsequent recognition

And on my own, I advise you not to take a photo at once with a bunch of elements to define. Make test variants, cut out individual numbers (directly with the squares in which they are located) and practice identifying them first, and when it starts to turn out - expand the test variants to full photos.

Author: MaKaRoN_IV, 2018-03-20 20:38:28