How do I filter Map() values in JS?

I have a Map (), how can I check this collection if it contains an element that contains a specific character? If in other words, then for example there is such a list: Maxim, Ivan, Dmitry, Oleg, Alexey. The user enters some character(for example, " To") I need to write to the new list only those that contain this character. I.e., Maxim and Alexey should be written

        var myMap = new Map();
        var j = 0;
        $('li', "#userlist").each(function () {            
            var user = this.textContent.toLowerCase().trim();
            myMap.set(j, user);
            array[j] = user;

var input = $('#search').val().toLowerCase();
var filteredList;
Author: Maksims, 2018-05-14

1 answers

Map, in this case, it is not necessary, since Map with an integer key is a regular array that does not have most of the familiar functions.

In the case of an array, you can try the method .filter

var filteredList = array.filter(el => el.indexOf(input) > -1);

In the case of Map, there are several options for

  1. run through Map and delete unnecessary ones using the methods forEach and delete
  2. use the spread operator to get an array keys/values, filter this array, and re-create Map, for example: var m = new Map([...oldMap].filter(el=> el[1].indexOf(input)>-1))
Author: Grundy, 2018-05-14 09:40:04