How do I find out who sent me an email?

You need to create a function that will go to Google Mail and give me the mail from which I received the letters. I can't solve this problem, I tried a lot of things, nothing helped.

How can this be done?

import imaplib

login = str(self.login.get())
        password = str(self.password.get())
        mail1 = str(self.mail.get())
        mail = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('')

Here I use information input blocks, and in this function I use them.

Author: 0xdb, 2020-10-01

1 answers


import re
import imaplib
import email

mail = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('')
mail.login('[email protected]','mypassword')

# сначала выбираем папку All Mail
folder = [re.sub(r'.*?("\[G[^"]*").*', r'\1', f.decode("utf-8"))  for f in mail.list()[1] if br"\All " in f][0]

# поиск писем по отправителю
typ, data =, '(FROM "Paul")')

ID of the found emails

In [29]: data
Out[29]: [b'5828 6791 6956 7523 7840']

Reading and parsing one of the found emails:

typ, d = mail.fetch('5828', '(RFC822)')
msg = email.message_from_bytes(d[0][1])

Attributes msg:

In [34]: msg.keys()

Then you can view each of these attributes:

In [35]: print(msg["from"])
Paul ****** <paul.******@******.com>

Author: MaxU, 2020-10-01 13:59:58