How do I get data from a Treeview?

How do I open a window when I click on the Treeview Tkinter line? That is, the user clicks on the line with the data he needs and a new window opens, where the same data as in this line + everything else from the database. I know how to output data from the database to a separate window, but I don't understand how to take data from the selected row in the Treeview. Please tell me

Author: DGDays, 2020-03-06

1 answers

Let's say we need to perform some action when selecting a row in the tree, and we need to access the data in the selected row. To react to the row selection, you need to bind to the <<TreeviewSelect>> event of the tree (in principle, you can use another event, for example, double-click with the left mouse button - <Double-Button-1>). Then, using the tree method selection, you need to get a list of the IDs of the selected elements. Then you can get the values in the string by id.

def on_select(event):
    # вывод текстовых id всех выбранных строк
    # (их может быть несколько, если при создании дерева не было указано selectmode='browse')

    # Если привязывались не к событию <<TreeviewSelect>>,
    # то тут нужно проверить, что вообще что-то выбрано:
    if not treeview.selection():

    # Получаем id первого выделенного элемента
    selected_item = treeview.selection()[0]

    # Получаем значения в выделенной строке
    values = treeview.item(selected_item, option="values")

treeview.bind('<<TreeviewSelect>>', on_select)
Author: insolor, 2020-03-06 12:45:22