How do I insert a custom formula in Word ' 10?

You need to type the following formula:

enter a description of the image here

In standard formulas, there is a sum, product, intersection, and union sign, but there is no empty template for inserting its own symbol.

If you try to use a macro, where 8853 is the character xor for the set Cambria Math (the standard font in formulas):

With Selection.OMaths(1).Functions.Add(Selection.Range, _
    .Nary.Char = 8853
    .Nary.Grow = False
    .Nary.SubSupLim = False
    .Nary.HideSub = False
    .Nary.HideSup = False
End With

I get the following message:

enter a description of the image here

Is there any way to get around this obstacle and do you still need to type a formula without inserting it as a picture?

Author: slippyk, 2018-04-11

1 answers

Alternatively, you can use the matrix: enter a description of the image here

Add the desired sign to the middle placeholder: enter a description of the image here

To the top: enter a description of the image here

To the bottom: enter a description of the image here

On the right add: enter a description of the image here

Next, fill in the extra placeholders, enter spaces and align the middle character with spaces: enter a description of the image here

Perform these operations while writing the macro and the results of its analysis will understand how to do it programmatically.

Author: MindCleaner, 2018-04-11 12:44:05