How do I insert YouTube broadcast comments on wordpress?

I want to display a broadcast from YouTube on the site page, but the live broadcast is displayed without comments, only the video window. How to display live broadcast comments? P. S Website on Wordpress

Author: Андрей Повх, 2019-08-10

1 answers

Take the ID of the live broadcast. You can find it in the URL on the view page. For example, in the link The ID is 12345.

If you created a broadcast in the "Start Broadcast" section, to get the link, just right - click in the player window and select Copy Video URL. Take the URL of the domain where the third-party site is located. For example, in the address Domain URL –

Make up the URL to embed using this template:

This is the link for the iframe window. Note. The embed_domain value must match the URL of the page you want to embed the chat on. If they differ, the module with comments will not load.

Author: Андрей Повх, 2019-08-10 11:34:54