How do I install the Python module?

Tell me how to install the Python module (library) in Windows?

I heard you need to install

I entered both in the interpreter and in CMD, but there is no such command, I tried the python command - the result is the same. Apparently, these commands are only for Linux. So how do I install the library in Windows?

Author: Nick Volynkin, 2012-12-03

3 answers

Open the console (cmd.exe), go to the folder where you have with the cd command, when you go to type python - that's all, in theory, and that's it. Oh, by the way, python.exe it should be in the PATH variable so that you can run it in any folder.

Author: user983302, 2012-12-03 16:28:18

It can be easier, using pip and easy install.

In short, these are python package managers that handle dependencies themselves and do a lot of useful things.

Author: pustserg, 2012-12-04 05:53:17

I did this: in the windows command line, I entered the path to the installer pip, space, install, file name (the path to the installer can be different)

C:\Python34\Scripts\pip3.exe install имя-пакета
Author: Yurets, 2016-06-26 05:21:06