How do I install Windows on a laptop if the laptop doesn't see a third-party monitor?

Gentlemen, there is a laptop that is missing ( rather, it is not missing, and I deleted it myself, because, as I was told, it was stepped on... ), display...

Hard completely cleared...

So, here's more about my attempts...

Laptop, does not see the third-party monitor, two outputs VGA and HDMI.

Insert загрузочную USB флешку, connect to TV through HDMI and silence. Black screen logo TV, when there is no connection. My meager attempts to blindly launch the poke method did not lead to any result... The same thing happens when connecting via VGA to the monitor of my PC...

And then I decide to try to install Ubuntu. I insert загрузочную USB флешку, a couple of clicks on the key Enter and voila, I see the logo Ubuntu and beyond.10- th I looked at the regular background image Ubuntu until I realized that most likely, the laptop is in extended monitor mode. I click Fn-F4 and ОООО чудо, вижу рабочий стол, next, I install the system. After installation, the system asks you to delete загрузочную USB флешку and reboot...

After restarting, I see the regular background image Ubuntu, but then the miracle did not happen, the keyboard shortcut Fn-F4 they did not give any results.... The laptop is in extended monitor mode...

Who can tell you what you can do with this miracle technicians from SAMSUNG?
How can I connect a third-party monitor and still have it working in BIOS mode?

The BIOS has already reset...

Author: Air, 2018-11-22

1 answers

As an option, remove the disk, install the system from another computer, without installing special drivers, and install the disk back. After try fn-F4.

For Ubuntu, you need to disable lvds - this is a built-in monitor. The team helped me:

sudo -u lightdm -H DISPLAY=":0.0" --xrandr --output LVDS1 -off
Author: nick, 2018-12-07 05:09:57