How do I make a relative path to the library?

How do I make a relative path to a dll?

File structure:

- root
    - myProg
        * myProg.exe
    - myLib
        * myLib.dll
    - someLib
        * someLib.dll

UDP: I still don't understand how to make a manifest file where you need to specify the relative path to the library?

Author: Kto To, 2019-11-11

1 answers

It is advisable not to hardcode library paths in the code. You were correctly prompted Dynamic-Link Library Search Order (I will add more for linux and for OSX). Place the libraries where the system can find them. If you want to hide them in separate directories, specify relative paths (director_name/mylib. so).

Author: Sheridan, 2019-11-12 07:52:07