How do I put a *.rdp file in an EXE file with my own icon?

The .rdp file (windows remote desktop) has a standard display icon

I need to change his icon to my own. And most importantly, so that it does not change if this file is sent to someone and opened on another PC. ie, the icon must be embedded in the file (so I understand it)

I see it this way:

The .rdp file must be placed in the EXE container along with the custom icon file.

1.Only I do not know how to do it?
2. What code an executable program?
3. What software should I use?
4. Or is it possible to implement it in a different way?

Author: MSDN.WhiteKnight, 2019-11-12

1 answers

I found a solution on my own. Perhaps someone will come in handy.

Everything just needs to be archived via the RAR archiver with the EXE extension

Configure the launch of the .rdp file when creating an archive

Add the. ico file too when creating the archive

I found the instructions on YouTube

All the details are there. thank you to the author!!!

Author: Вячеслав Нестеров, 2019-11-12 13:52:00