How do I remove a line feed in OpenOffice?

The cell has a multi-line text that must be translated into a single line.

Author: Vitaly, 2016-06-09

1 answers

In OpenOffice Writer, run

  1. Select Правка - Найти и заменить... Ctrl+F;
  2. To expand the dialog box, click Детали;
  3. Check the box Регулярное выражение;
  4. In the Найти field, enter \n (The control character representing the line break. Inserted by the keyboard shortcut Shift+Enter), which you want to use to find; To find
  5. In the Заменить на field, enter the character to replace it with. For example-a space;
  6. Press Заменить or Заменить все.
  7. Was: It was
  8. Become:Become
Author: Roman Sidorin, 2016-06-09 16:02:12