How do I run an application written in Qt C++ on another PC where there is no Qt?

I have on my PC, everything runs without errors. I put all the necessary libraries in the .exe folder. But on another PC, it writes that the Qt plugin was not found. Here is a screenshot:

Please tell me what to do?

Author: eanmos, 2019-08-08

3 answers

You need to:

  • build release
  • use the program windeployqt windeployqt screen You need to run it from the folder where it is located .the exe of your program.
Author: gbg, 2019-08-08 11:36:24

And if you do it without specialized software, you can do it like this:

First of all, here is a great guide, which I always use.

Secondly, if in your own words, something like this:

  1. In the build version, set Release
  2. Building an app
  3. Copy your .exe file to another location
  4. Launch
  5. An error pops up that a certain .dll-library{[15 is missing]}
  6. Looking for the right windows search through the files and substitute in the folder where you copied .exe
  7. If you get an error that is not related to the presence of any library, copy all the libraries from the Qt library folder (the name begins with Q and the extension .dll) to the folder with your project, and then delete the extra ones. Long, but effective
  8. When your application is finally started and all the extra libraries are removed, what is left is copied to any other computer without Qt and run.
Author: V-Mor, 2019-08-08 11:57:33
  1. Look for the plugins\platforms folder in the Qt installation directory
  2. Copy from it qwindows.dll to the platforms folder created in the directory with your exe file
Author: Andrey Sokolov, 2019-08-08 18:17:56