How do I run FileZilla by name from a terminal?

The question is this. Downloading a program for linux (Ubuntu 18.04), for example, FileZilla. There's a binary to run. How do I make it so that you can run it in the terminal in the background and write only the name:


Running with the addition of & at the end of the command does not produce the desired result.

UPD 1 Made a run on the command

  • Moved the downloaded FileZilla3 to the directory /bin/FileZilla3
  • Output to the variable $PATH and add to it: export PATH="$PATH:/bin/FileZilla3/bin/filezilla";
  • I also corrected the file /home/user-name/.bashrc (so as not to enter the above command every time the system starts): export PATH="$PATH:/bin/FileZilla3/bin/filezilla";
  • Also FileZilla3 asked to install the module canberra-gtk-module (how to install);

I'm almost satisfied. FileZilla3 is now launched from anywhere by the command filezilla. But I do not want to see this when running the program with the command filezilla &:

Reading locale option from /home/user-name/.config/filezilla/filezilla.xml
wxD-Bus: Signal from /org/freedesktop/DBus, member NameAcquired
wxD-Bus: Reply with serial 2
wxD-Bus: Reply to RegisterClient, our object path is /org/gnome/SessionManager/Client32

And I do not want to enter nohup filezilla &, since the information nohup: ввод игнорируется, вывод добавляется в 'nohup.out' is automatically displayed and the process hangs in the terminal (after pressing Enter exits the process). And I want to just enter filezilla and then control was transferred back to the terminal (you could enter new commands).

There is also a problem when closing the program (from the GUI):

WxD-Bus: Unregistered

Only after pressing CTRL+C the process terminates with the output of the message:

[2]-  Завершён        filezilla
[3]+  Завершён        nohup filezilla

UPD 2 Made an alias (how to create an alias), as suggested by @Total Pusher

UPD 3 Can be run without creating alias by pressing the ALT key combination+F2 and there are no notifications (for me, this is not a bad solution), but I will still create alias to write only fz. Thank you @andreymal

Author: Дух сообщества, 2019-03-12

1 answers

The main method

nohup filezilla &

Option for zsh

If an alternative to bash is used in the form of zsh or Oh My Zsh (my choice), then:

filezilla &!

Forgot to unpin immediately

If you forgot to unpin, and the program is already running in this way:


Then switch to the terminal and click Ctrl + Z - the program will pause, and we will get access to the command line and see:

[1]  + 32696 suspended  filezilla

Next, enter bg - the program will start running in the background, in the the terminal will be

[1]  + 32696 continued  filezilla

Now enter:

disown %1

The program will "detach" from the terminal process, and the terminal can be closed.

Author: Total Pusher, 2019-03-12 20:48:51