How do I send a POST request via Retrofit 2.0?

Perhaps now a stupid question will be asked, because I am new to Java programming and to Android development in general, so I want to apologize in advance. I need to get data from the API using Retrofit 2.0. I watched all sorts of tutorials on the Internet, moreover, I even managed to get a list of Github repositories. But I do not understand how to get not a list,but something specific. For example, at the moment I need to send the / login method the parameters E-Mail and Password to get the authorization token. But, as mentioned above, I can't figure out how :( If someone could help me in any way, I would be very grateful. I'm not asking you to write code for me, I'm asking you to help me figure it all out.

Author: Rodion Shishkin, 2018-09-26

1 answers

Copy and paste the results of a successful request from Postman to, if necessary, correct the received files and insert them into the Android Studio project in the (package) directory named model - the name is optional, it's just traditionally established. After that, you write two modules: the factory and the service, and put them in the project in the network directory.

Factory code:

//Импортируем необходимые классы
import retrofit2.Retrofit;
import retrofit2.converter.gson.GsonConverterFactory;

//Объявляем фабрику - только статичные поля и методы
public class ApiFactory {

    private static final String ROOT_URL = "https://your_api_address";

    static Retrofit buildRetrofit() {
        return new Retrofit.Builder()

    public static ApiService getService() {
        return buildRetrofit().create(ApiService.class);

Service code (taking into account the POST request and the login and input parameters password):

//Импортируйте получившиеся у Вас в JSON-POJO модели
//В данном случае Вы должны назвать свою модель AccessToken
import com.YOUR_BRAND.YOUR_APP_NAME.model.AccessToken;

import retrofit2.Call;
import retrofit2.http.POST;
import retrofit2.http.Query;
import retrofit2.http.Headers;

public interface ApiService {
    @Headers("Content-Type: application/json")
    @POST("auth/login") //путь вашего сервиса к авторизации
        Call<AccessToken> getToken(
        @Query("login") String login,
        @Query("password") String password);

In the main part of your application, to get a token in response to a username and password, you write something like this (taking into account how you have named variables, classes, etc.):

private void getToken() {
    Call<AccessToken> call = ApiFactory.getService().getToken(EMAIL, PASSWORD);
    call.enqueue(new Callback<AccessToken>() {
        public void onResponse(Call<AccessToken> call, Response<AccessToken> response) {
            if (response.isSuccessful()) {
                //Тут Вы просто сохраняете токен для дальнейшего использования
                MainActivity.token = response.body().getData().getToken();
                MainActivity.tokenAcquired = true;
                Log.d("myLogs", token);
            } else {
                MainActivity.token = "";
                MainActivity.tokenAcquired = false;
                Log.d("myLogs", ErrorUtils.errorMessage(response));

        public void onFailure(Call<AccessToken> call, Throwable t) {}

ErrorUtils class (optional, only for parsing the error):


import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.util.Locale;

import okhttp3.ResponseBody;
import retrofit2.Converter;
import retrofit2.Response;

public class ErrorUtils {

    private static final String ERROR_MESSAGE = "Код HTTP: %d\nОшибка: %s\nКод ошибки: %d";

    private static APIError parseError(Response<?> response) {
        Converter<ResponseBody, APIError> converter =
                        .responseBodyConverter(APIError.class, new Annotation[0]);
        APIError error;
        try {
            error = converter.convert(response.errorBody());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            return new APIError();

        return error;

    public static String errorMessage(Response<?> response) {
        try {
            APIError error = parseError(response);
            return String.format(Locale.getDefault(), ERROR_MESSAGE, response.code(), error.message(), error.status());
        } catch ( e) {
            return String.format(Locale.getDefault(), ERROR_MESSAGE, response.code(), "NULL", 0);

ApiError class



public class APIError {

    private int statusCode;
    private String message;

    public APIError() {

    public int status() {
        return statusCode;

    public String message() {
        return message;

Well, here's some information to start thinking about. com. YOUR_BRAND.YOUR_APP_NAME is the name of your project, specified in the headers of java modules. Bye sort it out and have a good night. If you have any questions, ask them, but I'll answer them tomorrow. I'm sorry in advance if there are any typos in the code. Good work!

Author: Pavel Sumarokov, 2018-10-05 20:58:44