How do I specify a different installation directory when installing Docker Desktop for Windows?

Does "Docker Desktop" have Installer.exe " command-line options for specifying the installation directory? Or point to the documentation, on I didn't find it.

Author: Dmdone, 2020-12-11

1 answers

We will need the Windows 10 operating system, Corporate, Professional, or Educational. The Hyper-V and Windows Containers components must also be connected. To work with these components, the system must meet the following requirements:

64-bit processor with support for second-level address translation (SLAT).

At least 4 GB of RAM.

Support for hardware-level virtualization BIOS.

There are two ways to check if you have virtualization enabled at the BIOS level.

Author: Радик Нафиков, 2020-12-11 08:03:32