Virtual machine created on computer X does not work with computer Y [closed]

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I created a virtual machine on an Ubuntu 12.04 X notebook, on which it worked normally. I created this machine so that I could use a MySQL database and transit between two computers without have to reconfigure the database. However, when I turned on the virtual machine in notebook y, this appeared:


I ignored the warning and turned on the machine. In notebook y it becomes extremely lame and almost unusable, which does not happen in notebook X.

The X notebook has an Intel i5 (Sandy Bridge), with 6GB of RAM and an Intel HD 3000. The Y notebook has an AMD Dual-Core E1-2500, with 4GB of RAM and an AMD Radeon HD 8248. Both run Windows 8.1.

Is it impossible for me to make the same virtual machine work on these two computers? Notebook Y is not able to run virtual machines?

Author: athosbr99, 2014-03-07

2 answers

I noticed that the guest System ( guest ) is 64 bits. I have been through two similar situations because of this issue.

First, make sure that the two host systems (hosts) are 64 bits. There are some limitations when emulating a 64-bit OS over a 32-bit OS. VirtualBox, for example, does not even start execution.

Second, make sure that the hardware is configured (BIOS) to support virtualization natively. On some boards, this comes disabled by default. The option should be called Vt (Virtualization Technology) or something similar. this link may help you find the option. With the option disabled, VMWare will try to simulate virtualization via software, which is much slower.

If it's none of that, it could be that simply because of the stored state of the VM. It would be like you hibernate an OS, put the HD on another different PC and then turn it on. The hardware has changed, but the drivers remain the old ones. Sixth do you restart the same the problem continues?

Author: utluiz, 2014-03-07 15:09:34

Or Virtualbox (from Oracle) / works on MAC, Windows and Linux and you can use it with virtual machines created by VMWare. I use it successfully in Windows to open and run virtual machines created by VMWare on MAC OS X. Virtual Box is able to recognize the HD created in VMWare and boots normally. You must reconfigure in VirtualBox of your Windows Notebook the network devices compatible with the environment, as well as allocate the amount of adequate memory.

Author: João Paraná, 2014-03-07 14:12:45