How do I update Arch Linux with LiveUSB?

I flew Arch Linux. Can you tell me how I can update the system if I have now booted from LiveUSB?

Basically, I need to run the pacman command on the local OS.

Author: eanmos, 2020-06-01

2 answers

First, mount the root partition of the "flown" OS:

mount <root-partition> <mount-point>

Then execute

arch-chroot <mount-point>

And finally, to completely update the "flown" system, run

pacman -Syu
Author: eanmos, 2020-06-01 13:25:33


# cd /mnt
# mount -t proc /proc proc/
# mount --rbind /sys sys/
# mount --rbind /dev dev/
# cp /etc/resolv.conf etc/resolv.conf
# chroot /mnt /bin/bash
# pacman -Syu

These commands helped

Author: Егор Козельский, 2020-06-01 13:48:06