How do I update the browser in obs using python?

There is a source(browser) it displays the site, but when the site changes, it remains in the same place. I want the source to be updated every 20 seconds. How do I do this ?

Author: MR. TWIST, 2020-09-20

2 answers

Vryatli python here as the will help. If you check the box in the settings, the site will be updated when the window is activated or deactivated (by clicking on the eye), but this can not be done automatically by means of OBSa. Although it is possible that there are plugins that extend the browser's work in the OSCE. I didn't find any. If there is a separate computer that is responsible for the stream, you can put a script on it on pyautogui that will click on the eye every 20 seconds, updating the window ))

Author: Vilmir Baikov, 2020-09-21 14:12:40

It is full of extensions for chrome that perform this function, for example

"Auto Refresh Plus - ARP"

Author: Сергей Попков, 2020-09-21 13:04:53