How does Photoshop perform on linux?

I decided to install a system Linux, for convenient work with the console.

I often do layout and the question is, how is Linux friends with this? I know that you can run the PSD file itself through different programs.

The question is, does it really work without bugs, shows correctly, and can export all the files without any problems?

Author: Vladimir Glinskikh, 2020-01-03

2 answers

How Photoshop behaves on Linux is best read here.


Versions marked as Gold-work and you can create on them, but you will have to put up with small bugs. Read more in the reports. It is better to install such versions via playonlinux, which will configure the system itself to work.

Version CS5 (12.0) is marked as Platinum - so you can just put and use.

Author: eri, 2020-01-03 16:44:14

In wine, CS5/6 works fine sometimes there are bugs in PSD with a large set of layers, where the bug is the displayed black area at the location of the layer. In fact, you can work relatively comfortably.

Author: xck, 2020-01-09 11:26:03