How does the vidIQ extension determine the position of a video in the search?

When you upload a video to YouTube and add tags to it, then these tags are visible to absolutely everyone in the page code:

There is an extension for chrome vidIQ It immediately visually shows the tags of this video, as well as the position of this video in the YouTube search - putting a blue number on the position of the video for this tag in the search youtube.

There are Youtube videos: And blue is the number of the position in the YouTube search, for example, according to the best diving spots tag, the video is in the first place, and the vidiq extension in the screenshot shows: best diving spots#1 See screenshot:

How does this extension determine the position of this video in the search? It doesn't check every tag of this video in the YouTube search, most likely through queries. But I would like to know more precisely what method uses the extension.

Author: Михаил, 2020-09-30