How is it convenient to check the RESTFul API?

I use a browser to test the API. This was convenient until I started implementing the post, put, and delete methods. It seems to me that it is not worth spending time writing a tool for checking the API. Search engines do not give out anything reasonable about this. Are there normal programs for testing the API under win?

Author: Kromster, 2016-06-22

5 answers

If you mean manual testing, then there are many plugins for browsers to perform HTTP requests. Here is an example of an application for Chrome Postman

Author: kerradus, 2016-06-22 11:28:17

There is such a wonderful program as Postman, you can create queries there, specify a method. For the test, you can specify the JSON data format in the request, Postman will display it to you.

Author: WideWood, 2019-03-05 09:46:08

In general, swagger is now fashionable for rest. In many languages, you can generate everything for it on the fly based on annotations. For example, we use a self-written generator like express-swagger-generator on the node. It generates data for the swager based on the annotations to the method and runs it later.

After that, you can open it in the browser and perform any queries in a convenient way. It looks something like this:

enter a description of the image here

Author: Suvitruf - Andrei Apanasik, 2019-03-06 09:25:53

Postman also exists as a separate application for Windows, Linux, and macOS.
You can download it here:

Author: Sergey Nemchinov, 2019-03-05 09:38:40

I use SoapUI as a standalone application. The program works under both Win and Ubuntu. Allows you to test both Rest requests and SOAP requests. One of the most convenient features in it is the ability to test services, save requests. Among the disadvantages, sometimes it wraps requests in unnecessary wrappers. To work from the browser, I use the extension for chrome Talend API Tester-Free Edition. Fast and convenient.

Author: Antony Glim, 2020-07-07 08:43:22