java. io. IOException: a connection established by the software on your host computer has been overridden

I have this error in Android Studio and I can't find what is the reason

" a connection established by the software on your host computer."

¿What is the reason for this error?

Author: JuankGlezz, 2016-09-19

2 answers

These problem can be solved by simply closing Android studio and restarting again. Android studio sometimes fails to establish a connection with the emulator, so this can happen in some cases.

Author: Dev. Joel, 2016-09-19 06:14:39

" a connection established by the software on your host computer."

¿What is the reason for this error?

Simply the device loses the connection, there can be several causes of this problem:

The ADB had an error and needs to be restarted. The cable is not properly connected. The cable is not working properly.

If you ensure that your device is properly connected, restarting Android Studio may not fix the problem, you have to restart the ADB, opening the Android Device Monitor:

enter the description of the image here

Inside, select the device, click on the indicated triangle and select the option "Reset adb"

enter the description of the image here

Author: Jorgesys, 2016-09-19 17:49:07