How to add a whatsapp link in a contact [closed]

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In my datatable there is a column called contacts, I want to add a link so that when the user clicks there, take the number referring to the variable and call with whatsapp link

<th><?= $properties['contato'] ?></th>

How could I do the same function in a modal

$('#view-property .modal-body').append(`<div><h4><b class="font-modal">Contato:</b> ${property.contato}</h4></div>`);
Author: Mike Otharan, 2019-07-18

1 answers

The official WhatsApp API says to use:

Https:// + phonenumber

Logo for its context would look like this:

<th><a href="<?= $properties['contato'] ?>">Clique para ligar pelo Whatsapp</a></th>

Remembering that your parameter $properties['contato'] must include the country code of origin of the number, in the case of Brazil is 55 an ex would be: 55ddd9number

Author: Vinicius Dutra, 2019-07-18 11:48:09