How to calculate the lengths of the basis vectors?

Hello everyone How to find the length of the basis vectors in the affine coordinate system? It is known that there are points A (1,0), B(0,1),C (3,2). These points form a triangle that has a right angle with the point C. CA, CB-cathets. If you think logically, then the length of the basis vector |e1|=|A|, and the length |e2|= / B|. But I even doubt what the point C and everything else is for. Help pliz.

Condition: In the affine coordinate system, the points of the triangle ABC are given, namely: A(1,0), B (0,1) and C(3,2). The right angle is located at the vertex C and has the legs |CA|=2, |CB|=3. Determine the lengths of the basis vectors {e1,e2} and the angles between them.

Author: Евгений, 2020-03-01

1 answers

Never, NEVER, NEVER ask incomplete questions!!!!

Because as soon as you added the lengths (which you so disdainfully sent in the first version of the question on a walking erotic journey), everything was immediately solved in half a step... If you do not know how to solve the problem and ask for help - well, do not complicate the life of those you ask! Well, what is this "you have a package, but I will not give it to you"? If you don't know, give us the full information!!

Yes, the cosine of the angle between them - -2/sqrt(5) - can you calculate the angle yourself?

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Author: Harry, 2020-03-01 17:57:33