How to calculate the percentage of the number of values in pandas?

I have a DataFrame that contains various values.

import pandas as pd 
df = pd.DataFrame({"data": [1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 3]})

I want to calculate how many percentages of the total data each value occupies, that is, to get a table of the form:

value | percent
0     | 30 ( или 0.3)
1     | 40 ( или 0.4)
2     | 20 ( или 0.2)
3     | 10 ( или 0.1)

I can calculate it like this:

# Добавляю еще одну колонку, чтобы нормально посчитать count()
df['column'] = 1
df2 = df.groupby('data').count()
df2['percent'] = df2['column'] / len(df.index)

And I get what I'm looking for:

      column  percent
0          3      0.3
1          4      0.4
2          2      0.2
3          1      0.1

However, I still have the feeling that I'm doing everything wrong. And such issues should be solved much easier. Can you tell me how best to solve my problem?

Author: MaxU, 2018-11-04

1 answers

You can use the GroupBy.size() method-in this case, you do not need to create a new column:

In [4]: df.groupby('data').size() / len(df)
0    0.3
1    0.4
2    0.2
3    0.1
dtype: float64
Author: MaxU, 2018-11-04 20:06:29