Shortcut to comment code in android studio-English keyboard

What is the shortcut to comment code in android studio?.

My keyboard is in Spanish and does not have the "/"bar. And as an operating system I use Ubuntu.

My Spanish keyboard

Author: chambito, 2016-10-19

2 answers

You can edit the keyboard shortcut to your preference in the IDE settings. In this case, I can comment with the following shortcuts.

  1. Ctrl + |
  2. Ctrl + /

enter the description of the image here

Author: Akhha8, 2016-10-19 04:42:40

Is commented on in

Option 1:

Ctrl + /

Ctrl + shift + /

Ocpion 2:

You have the link here of all shortcuts.

Ocpion 3:

File -> settings -> Buscas "Keymap"

And you put it as you want or see how you have it configured.

Author: CodeNoob, 2016-11-03 08:23:15