How to call a function from the file.php using Apache?

I'm trying to make an api and wanted to call different functions from the same php file. The way I managed to do it works like this:


$Veiculos = new ClassVeiculos();


And the call is: 'localhost / api'

But so it calls only what is in the root of this file, I wanted to be able to create functions in it, something like:


class DAO {
public function getAll(){
    $Veiculos = new ClassVeiculos();

And call as: 'localhost / api / getAll'

But I can't do it, if anyone can help me I will be very grateful.

Author: Raphael Villadouro, 2019-11-26

1 answers

A friend of mine answered me saying that I would need routes, so I went for a survey and managed to do it.. getting like this:


$nomeClasse = $_GET['classe'];
$metodo = $_GET['metodo'];
$classe = new $nomeClasse(); //cuidado aqui!!!
$classe->$metodo(); //e muita atenção aqui!!!

And in the call: 'localhost / api/?class = ClassVeiculos & method=getAll '

Author: Raphael Villadouro, 2019-11-26 00:31:06