How to send email with PHP?

I have a website under construction that people have the possibility to enter an email, I would like that as soon as they enter their email and click the "Subscribe" Button, an auto-reply email would be sent to them, how could I do that?

Author: Daniel Omine, 2014-07-05

2 answers

Take a look at PHP's mail function. If you are using a standard hosting it must be pre-configured.

With the function mail working, you simply create an HTML form to perform this action.

A basic example of using


<form method="post" name="meu-form" action="send-mail.php">     
Nome: <input type="text" name="nome">     
Email:    <input type="text" name="email">     
Mensagem:  <textarea name="mensagem"></textarea>     
<input type="submit" value="Enviar">

Send email.php

  $nome = $_POST['nome'];
  $email= $_POST['email'];
  $mensagem= $_POST['mensagem'];
  $to = "[email protected]";
  $assunto = "Mensagem de ".$
Author: Guilherme Tonioli, 2014-07-05 23:46:01

Another way to send the data is as follows:

   //Variáveis que recebem os dados digitados no formulário pelo id atribuído nos input
   $nome = $POST[nome]; 
   $email = $POST[email];
   $assunto = $POST[assunto];
   $mensagem = $POST[mensagem];

mail (
    "[email protected]", //Endereço que vai receber a mensagem
    "Nome: $nome
     Email: $email
     Assunto: $assunto
     Mensagem: $mensagem", "FROM:$nome<$email>");

I'm not a programmer, but this way is not so secure I think because in others it has data verification to prevent the user from sending malicious data by the form. But it works normal.

Author: Beto Pereira, 2018-06-14 22:38:16