How to configure Vue cli DevServer proxying of different urls to a single api server

The application on the vue cli goes to the api server. Here are the vue.config settings.js

module.exports = {
    devServer: {
      // Бэкенд сервер 
      proxy: { 
        "^/api/*": {
          target: '',
          ws: true,
          changeOrigin: false

There are several roots

{ path: '/orders', name: 'orders', component: () => import('../views/orders.vue'), meta: { layout: 'MainLayout' } },
{ path: '/order/:id', name: 'order', component: () => import('../views/order.vue'), meta: { layout: 'MainLayout' } },

If I send an axios request from the orders page, everything works fine

await axios.get('api/orders/') 
      .then(response => {  

Request from the local machine http://localhost:8080/orders goes to and everything is ok

If I send an axios request from the order/2 page

await axios.get('api/order/2') 
          .then(response => {  

Then the request goes with http://localhost:8080/order/2 on and damn it, it doesn't work !!! Tell me how to direct it to Set axios.defaults.baseUrl = "" it doesn't help! I do not know in general what to do)?

Author: Сергей Хохлов, 2021-01-29