How to connect Awesomium instead of WebBrowser

And how much will the project weigh?
And how to collect everything in 1 file, I understand that you need to add a bunch of dll files to the project folder... Or I'm wrong... I just watched some video, but there was a webkit.

1 answers

How to connect Awesomium instead of WebBrowser

Download the installer from the official website, select Custom and check all the boxes, then go to the folder where it was installed.
Find native assemblies there (such as awesomium.dll and icudt??.dll), throw them to yourself in bin\Debug
Then the managed-builds of Awesomium.Core, Awesomium.Windows.Controls. In theory, they need to add links directly from the folder where they are, but I also put them in bin \ Debug, and add links to the menu Project > Add Link.
I just don't like it when there are no dependencies in sight. And I don't like to go too far either.
To add an item to the Window-click the RMB on the Toolbar and again select your assembly, the item will appear in the panel, add it.

And how much will the project weigh?

If you remove all the PDB, XML, replace a couple of DLLs with packed (they are in the same place as the usual ones), in general, squeeze to the limit with all the "native" means - then there will be a total of 26.4 MB.

If you need Flash, do you still need the NPSWF32 library????. dll, where to look for it-I do not know, I took it anywhere (well, at least I checked the Adobe digital signature) and weighs another 18.7 MB.

And how to collect everything in 1 file

.NET assemblies can then be smerzhit in EXE using ILMerge (but only later, now it is not necessary). But the native ones (and they are the main weight), perhaps not at all. But you don't have to. Just make an installer for your app.

Author: Rou1997, 2017-05-11 20:09:14