How to convert int variable to string without eliminating zeros?

I need to perform in an activity the validation of the characters entered by the user.

My Code:

mes1 = int (input ('Digite o mês inicial:'))
valida = len (str (mes1))
while valida != 2:
    print ('Valor inválido! O mês deve ter 2 dígitos.')
    mes1 = int (input ('Digite o mês inicial:'))
    valida = len (str (mes1))

The problem is that when I convert int to string in the "validate" variable, the zeros are disregarded. Ex: I enter month 12, all correct; I enter month 02, error.

Error Image:

error with zeros being disregarded

Author: Maniero, 2019-10-27

3 answers

An integer value has no zeros left; if you need to keep them you should keep their value as string, but if the intention is to do this to validate a month, don't. Month 02 is the same as month 2, so validating if it has two characters is not enough validation (42 is a valid month? It has two characters).

If you want to validate if a number has been entered and if it is a valid month you will need to handle the exception ValueError which is thrown by int when the value does not is numeric and to know if it is a valid value for the month just check if it is between 1 and 12 inclusives. Theoretically if I report "Month 2 "or" month 02 " should be the same thing, then it cannot validate if there are two characters.

while True:
    month = int(input('Mês: '))
    if 1 <= month <= 12:
    print('Informe um valor entre 1 e 12')
  except ValueError:
    print('Informe um valor numérico')

When running you would have an output like:

>>> Mês: a
Informe um valor numérico
>>> Mês: 13
>>> Informe um valor entre 1 e 12
Mês: 5

See working on

Important Note: a string with zero the left is completely different from a value with zero a left. In Python 2 the zero left in an integer was used to indicate that the value was octal, that is, base 8 and not base 10. Doing, for example, print(010) in Python 2 will display 8, since the number 010 in base 8 equals the number 8 in base 10. In Python 3 this notation was changed to 0o10, with the letter o between the values and started to generate a syntax error for integers with 0 on the left. Be very careful not to confuse things.

Author: Woss, 2019-10-29 12:14:25

Is simple, do not convert to integer, if you already have the information the way you want, then use it straight. If you need the conversion, do it after validating. In the end I made the conversion if you still need it, I do not know if you really need it, it may be a conceptual mistake there.

Took advantage and removed the redundancy of the code, now the request appears once, respecting the DRY . I improved the organization of the code.

while True:
    mes = input('Digite o mês inicial:')
    if len(mes) == 2:
    print ('Valor inválido! O mês deve ter 2 dígitos.')
mes1 = int(mes)

See working on ideone. And no also I put on GitHub for future reference .

Author: Maniero, 2019-10-28 12:58:43

Face there is no integer with 0 on the left side 01 = = 1, then reads the input as string and makes string comparison.

Author: Jefferson Rodrigues, 2019-10-27 22:23:23