How to create a directory in Python inside a server?

Using the function mkdir it is possible to create a file in any directory within the computer folders:

Import os
diretorio = "C:\\Users\\CRIACAO 2\\Desktop\\teste"

But when I try to create it inside the address of a server, the program is not able to find the indicated path:

Import os
diretorio = "\\servidor\ARABRINDES 1TB\Artes"

FileNotFoundError: [WinError 3] the system cannot find the specified path: '\ server \ ARABRINDES 1TB\Artes\andrei '

How can I solve this problem?

Author: Andrei Savi, 2018-07-18

2 answers

Your problem is that you are using only one counterbar, and paths to server start with two counterbar \\...

Explaining better, Python interprets strings that have counterbars in a special way. For example, '\t' is the tab, '\n' is the line break, and '\\' is a single bar!

You can see that this is the case through the error message:

FileNotFoundError: [WinError 3] O sistema não pode encontrar o caminho especificado: 
'\servidor\ARABRINDES 1TB\Artes\andrei'

To solve, use four bars, i.e. two for each bar:

diretorio = "\\\\servidor\\ARABRINDES 1TB\\Artes"

Or better yet, use raw strings whenever you write a path:

diretorio = r"\\servidor\ARABRINDES 1TB\Artes"

Putting this r before the string causes python to not process special characters inside it. It comes out exactly as it is written!

Read the documentation here:

Author: nosklo, 2018-07-19 12:27:42

I had a similar problem, this error happened because it is executing the command for a relative path and not a absolute path. The correct would be to pass parameter all the way from the server.

Hope I helped.

Author: Tuxpilgrim, 2018-07-18 23:04:04