How to create a gui for Linux in c#?

There is a task to write a graphical program for Linux. Before that, I wrote only on WinForms. I read that under Linux for c# use gtk#. But on the wiki it is written that gtk# has partial support up to 2.20, although gtk version 3.20 has already been released. Is there any other solution for Linux or is it possible to work with gtk# somehow?

Author: Andrey, 2016-06-19

2 answers

GtkSharp is already ported to GTK3. The 3.0 release has not yet been announced, but some distributions already have it in their repositories.

Why is C#mandatory? Don't you want to take a closer look at Vala? A C# clone based on the GNOME libraries with good integration into the ecosystem.

Author: Artem Vorotnikov, 2016-08-08 20:26:30

There is also a similarity of Qt for c# - The project seems to be still developing a little(the last commit was last week). But I somehow did not get along with this library.

Author: Andriy Goliyad, 2016-06-19 10:19:56