How to create an n-dimensional array in GoLang?

How to create an n-dimensional array in GoLang? For example, as in Python numpy, where you can create an array of zeros with a single function numpy.zeros([n чисел])

Author: BigCubeCat, 2020-10-30

2 answers

Create a mass with this construction, specifying the dimensions and type: [2][2][3]int{}. All values will be initialized to zeros. Example:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    sample := [2][2][3]int{}


Due to static typing, it is not possible to create an array of indeterminate dimension on the fly. But if you really need to, you can create an abstraction: a one-dimensional array and code to work with it, which will behave like a multidimensional one. an array of a given dimension, converting multidimensional indexes to one-dimensional ones. For a two-dimensional array, the formula next: matrix[ i ][ j ] = array[ i*w + j ], where w is the width of the matrix, i is the vertical index, j is the horizontal index (for more information, see). Similarly, it is possible to implement access by several indexes, including a previously undefined value.

Update. I threw a similar code:

package main

import "fmt"

type MDArray struct {
    Dims     int
    Sizes    []int
    Weights  []int
    Data     []int

func CreateMDArray(sizes []int) MDArray {
    total := 1
    weights := make([]int, len(sizes))
    weights[0] = 1
    for i, v := range sizes {
        total *= v
        if i > 0 {
            weights[i] = weights[i-1] * sizes[i-1]
    obj := MDArray {
        Dims:    len(sizes),
        Sizes:   sizes,
        Weights: weights,
        Data:    make([]int, total),
    return obj

func (obj MDArray) MakeIndex(keys []int) int {
    index := 0
    for i, v := range obj.Weights {
        index += keys[i] * v
    return index

func (obj MDArray) Get(keys []int) int {
    return obj.Data[obj.MakeIndex(keys)]

func (obj MDArray) Set(keys []int, value int) {
    obj.Data[obj.MakeIndex(keys)] = value

func main() {
    // Создаём объект многомерного массива
    array := CreateMDArray([]int{3, 2, 5})
    // Поставим значения равным одномерным индексам
    for i, _ := range array.Data {
        array.Data[i] = i
    // Итого в массиве 30 элементов, последний будет иметь индекс 29
    fmt.Println(array.MakeIndex([]int{2, 1, 4}))
    // Поставим ему значение -1
    array.Set([]int{2, 1, 4}, -1)
    // Отобразим внутренний одномерный массив
    // Получим: [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
    //           17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -1]
Author: AivanF., 2020-10-30 06:36:02

I'm afraid it won't be possible to dynamically create an N-dimensional array without knowing the number of its sides.

And so, you can use make if you do not know in advance how many elements are in it:

N := 3

arr := make([]int, N)
// [0 0 0]

arr[0] = 999
// [999 0 0]


N := 3

matrix := make([][]int, N)
for i := range matrix {
    matrix[i] = make([]int, N)
Author: gil9red, 2020-10-30 05:58:32