Add some effect on the transition between image loading from an array

I found a code that does a random of images in JavaScript at certain seconds, everything is fine.. Only that could you put some effect between images? I try not to make the change so abrupt and dry

Here the Code:

var imagenes=new Array(

 * Funcion para cambiar la imagen
function rotarImagenes()
  // obtenemos un numero aleatorio entre 0 y la cantidad de imagenes que hay
  var index=Math.floor((Math.random()*imagenes.length));

  // cambiamos la imagen

 * Función que se ejecuta una vez cargada la página
  // Cargamos una imagen aleatoria

  // Indicamos que cada 5 segundos cambie la imagen
<img id="imagen" />
Author: Alvaro Montoro, 2016-09-21

1 answers

You could use jquery to perform the effect

var imagenes=new Array(

function rotarImagenes()

  var index=Math.floor((Math.random()*imagenes.length));

  $("#imagen").fadeOut(1000, function() {


<script src=""></script>

<img id="imagen" />

You would be using the fadeOut() and fadeIn() to apply the effect.

Also since you would have jquery use the

$(function() {

To detect when the html DOM is ready

JQuery Change Image src with Fade Effect

Author: Leandro Tuttini, 2017-05-23 12:39:20