How to destroy a specific session?

Is this: I have an application / game that uses Sessions to memorize the data that users have chosen.

Whenever the user restarts the game I need to reset the information, so I was perfectly using the


Until I needed to use

$_SESSION['email'] e $_SESSION['senha']

So that the user only had access to the game page if they were logged in.

So now if I use the


The sessions that keep the user logged in are also destroyed and it is redirected to the homepage.

I tried using


To empty only the sessions I need to restart, but then the system does not work properly. Sometimes I have to keep pressing the restart button several times...

Any suggestions?

See what I'm doing:

      if ($_POST['entrada'] === "ex" ) //primeiro if



      }//fecha o primeiro if

Within this main if are more than ten sessions to unsetar, I put only three to exemplify what I am doing.

VAR DUMP no $_SESSION: array(13) { ["deeper"]=> string(5) "bottom" ["email"]=> string(25) "[email protected]" ["password"]=> string(8) "deusdeus" ["class"]=> string(7) "entry in the" ["count"]=> int(3) ["avg"]=> int(0) ["pos_2"]=> int(2) ["error"]=> string(1) "t" ["erro_1"]=> string(1) "m" ["erro_2"]=> string(1) "w" ["erro_3"]=> string(1) "x" ["erro_4"]=> string(1) "z" ["erro_5"]=> string(1) "y" }

Author: I Wanna Know, 2014-09-03

2 answers


You can make subgroups in the session:

$_SESSION['login'] = array( 'email' => '[email protected]' , 'senha' => 'userpassword' );
$_SESSION['games'] = array( 'palavra' => 'Helicóptero' , 'letra' => 'a' );

Your session will be in 2 Groups: login data (email, password), and Game Data(word, letter...)

[login] => Array('email' => '[email protected]' , 'senha' => 'userpassword')
[games] => Array('palavra' => 'Helicóptero' , 'letra' => 'a' )

You can remove a specific index from the 'games session' using unset( $_SESSION['games']['palavra'] ) or to restart the game you remove the full game session using unset( $_SESSION['games'] ), this will keep the user session unchanged.

Removing indexes from session

Unset unset a session variable, while session_destroy () will destroy all sessions for the user.

unset( $_SESSION['palavra'] );  // irá remover apenas os dados de 'palavra'
session_destroy();  // irá remover todas as sessões do usuário.

I do not know if it fills your doubt, but I am giving a simple example...

// criando sessões de login
$email = $_SESSION['email'];
$senha = $_SESSION['senha'];

// criando sessões do jogo
$senha = $_SESSION['palavra'];
$senha = $_SESSION['letra'];

// removendo todas as sessões
unset( $_SESSION );

// removendo sessões do jogo
// opção 1)
unset( $_SESSION['palavra'] );
unset( $_SESSION['senha'] );

// opção 2)
$_SESSION['palavra'] = null;
$_SESSION['senha'] = null;

Masta you use as condition in each session you need to check.

Author: Papa Charlie, 2014-09-03 23:48:55

You can do like this:

$tmpemail = $_SESSION['email'];
$tmpsenha = $_SESSION['senha'];
$_SESSION['email'] = $tmpemail;
$_SESSION['senha'] = $tmpsenha;
Author: KaduAmaral, 2014-09-03 18:50:20