How to determine if a number is power of 2?

I need to develop an algorithm in VisuAlg where I enter with a number and it tells me if it is power of 2 or not. What strategies can I use?

Author: Sam, 2016-06-01

5 answers

For this case just apply a single Formula :

Log Value / Log 2.

If the result is a integer then the given value is based on the power of 2 .


We have to 2 the power of x is equal to y , where y is the number you want to know if the base is equal to 2, and x is the power of 2 that will result in and .

By the properties of mathematics, and in particular that of logarithms, the solution below is presented.

Warning: Do Not round the values as shown in this example, otherwise the result will not be an integer value!!!

insert the description of the image here

Thus, without rounding values , make sure that the result does not have decimal places ( integer ), and when it does not present, you will know that this value is formed by base Power 2 . Good luck!

Author: Leo, 2016-06-02 22:27:14

Successively Divide your x number by 2.

If the remainder is always 0 and you get to the quotient 1 it's because x is a power of 2.


8192/2 = 4096

4096/2 = 2048

2048/2 = 1024

1024/2 = 512

512/2 = 256

256/2 = 128

128/2 = 64

64/2 = 32

32/2 = 16

16/2 = 8

8/2 = 4

4/2 = 2

2/2 = 1

8192 is a power of 2.

Author: Tiago Bértolo, 2017-03-03 13:53:07

The most efficient way is to check if the number-1 ends in 1111... in binary. In JavaScript this is:

function isPowOf2(v){
    return v && !(v & (v - 1));

var test = [0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8];

for(var i = 0; i < test.length; ++i){
    console.log(test[i] + " - " + isPowOf2(test[i]));

Applying to 8 one can see what is happening mathematically.

v = 8 = b1000 = true

v - 1 = 8 - 1 = 7 = b0111

8 & 7 = b1000 & b0111 = 0

!(8 & 7) = !(0) = true

v && !(8 & 7) = true Q. E. D

Author: Bruno Costa, 2017-10-30 14:03:53

Divide the number by two, until the rest of the division is less than or equal to 1 (use a loop for this)

  • If the remainder of the division is equal to 1 the number is power of 2
  • If the rest of the division is less than 1 the number is not power of 2
Author: Adriano Luz, 2016-06-01 02:40:34
 Ejercicio 5.7.6. Potencias de dos.
a) Escribir una función es_potencia_de_dos que reciba como parámetro un número 
 natural,y devuelva True si el número es una potencia de 2, y False en caso contrario.
b) Escribir una función que, dados dos números naturales pasados como parámetros, devuelva la
 suma de todas las potencias de 2 que hay en el rango formado por esos números
 (0sinohayningunapotenciade2entrelosdos).Utilizarlafunción es_potencia_de_dos ,
 descripta en el punto anterior.
import os

def clear():
    """ cls de windows """
    os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear')

def pausar():
    """ pausa de windows"""

def es_potencia_de_dos(numero):
    """ Verifica si es potencia de dos, en primera instancia descartamos el 1 , que 
    seria 2 a la 0  luego vemos si podemos componer el numero que tenemos 
    como potencia de dos y de paso devolvemos que potencia de dos es , en caso de 
    serlo """

    if numero == 1:
        return True, 0

    r = 1
    for i in range(1, numero):
        r *= 2
        if r == numero:
            return True, i

    return False

def leer_numero():
    return input('\nIngrese el numero que desea verificar (* para salir) ')

x = leer_numero()
while x != '*':
    potencia, cual = es_potencia_de_dos(int(x))
    if potencia:
        print('Es potencia, 2 a la ', cual)
        print('No es potencia de dos')
    x = leer_numero()

print('Hasta luego..')
Author: Lucas Guerra, 2019-02-23 17:12:44